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4- Overcoming Insecurities and Procrastination5- Integrative Sleep Protocol6- Creative Integration
'I have a theory about the key to recognising excellence: look for the effortless experts. When I think of the world's best guitar players or pool players, they make their art look so easy that it looks like anyone could do it. 'Melissa Tiers' Teaching Demos of Coaching the Unconscious Mind is an example of excellence. It all seems so simple and natural, that you could be forgiven for thinking that nothing special is taking place. Yet, you see people's lives effortlessly changed before your eyes. And the beauty is, Melissa's inspirational teaching ensures that you actually could do this too! 'Melissa exudes humour, confidence, care and a spirit of creativity. And she frequently uses them to her advantage in delightful ways. A genuine pleasure to watch an expert at work. '
Graham Old, Author/Hypno